It really is not possible to get all your daily essential nutrient requirements when pregnant with diet alone because of how food is grown unless you are eating 100% organic.
You are the only source of nutrition for a growing baby and its not as simple and taking a multivitamin with folate.
Most women take up to two years to recover from having a baby.
Naturopathy can help women with things such as morning sickness, tiredness, cravings, cramps, changes in bowel habits, baby brain, heart burn and water retention.
Baby brain for example is usually an Omega 3 fatty acid deficiency the levels decrease during pregnancy
Naturopathic treatment can also assist with the more serious conditions of pregnancy such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.
Naturopathic care can also help with brining on labour.
After birth the naturopathic care doesn’t stop... Naturopaths can provide advice on:
Breast-feeding , increasing breast milk
Introducing solids
Frequent colds
Sleeping difficulties
Scar healing after caesarean section
Herbs, nutrients, and lifestyle changes are discussed according to each individual case.